Friday, April 13, 2012

Lemon Dressing

This dressing makes good use of the clean flavor of fresh lemons. I used a Meyer lemon for the fresh lemon juice. Its the thin skinned, less astringent, and smaller version of a classic lemon. You'll also notice that I use agave nectar as the sweetener. I usually like to use honey in dressings, but I really wanted the taste of lemon to shine. Agave nectar, or syrup, has almost no taste while my honey tastes like wildflowers. I love the taste of wildflowers ... but didn't want that taste to interfere with the bright lemony taste in this particular dressing. There's a very small amount of Dijon mustard, which I use to emulsify the dressing. Oil and water, juices, or vinegars, don't like to mix together. Emulsifiers make them cling together a little longer, so that they pour more easily. You'll still have to give the jar a good shake before serving, but the dressing should hold together until it lands on your plate!


1 tsp lemon zest
1 lemon, preferable Meyer, juiced (about 2 Tbs juice)
3 Tbs extra virgin olive oil
1 tsp agave nectar
1/2 tsp Dijon mustard

Directions: Roll the lemon on the counter to make it easier to juice. The zest is the yellow part of the lemon peel. Remove some of the zest with a zester, peeler, or knife, taking care to remove only the pungent yellow part and not the bitter white pith beneath. Mince the zest to make about 1 tsp. Cut the lemon in half and juice. Place all ingredients in a jar and shake or whisk to combine.

Serves 4

Stealthy Cooking Tips: This dressing is also good on steamed vegetables. I especially like it on roasted or steamed broccoli or grilled asparagus.

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